Alma Roberts
Director - Kaiser Permanente (Retired)
Alma Roberts serves as community health and economic opportunity and impact director for Kaiser Permanente. Kaiser Permanente believes “Inclusive economic growth is critical to both individual and community health. When there is a lack of economic opportunity in communities, the prospects for upward social mobility are diminished, often resulting in poorer health and higher mortality rates for people living in those communities. By contrast, economic growth and opportunity provides individuals with jobs, income, a sense of purpose, and opportunities to improve their economic circumstances over time.”
As a large, influential institution in our communities, Kaiser Permanente recognizes that the way they do business can support economic opportunity in local communities by being intentional about how they hire, purchase, build our facilities, and partner with communities.
Ms. Roberts has spent well over three decades working to improve the lives of LIPs. Her prior positions include organizations focused on maternal and child health, poverty solutions, and community health.