May 19, 2017 If you’ve heard that impact investing is growing and that investors are mapping their investments to the Sustainable Development Goals, but wondered if that’s true, now there’s evidence.
Archive for the ‘News’ Category
Pontiac a case study in increasing economic opportunity
June 5, 2017 It was 2012, and in Pontiac, a group of government and business leaders came to the table to discuss the Strand Theatre. The shuttered, art deco-style cinema house, built in the 1920s, was listed among the assets the bankrupt city was looking to sell.
Three Big Takeaways from the Latest Impact Investing Data
May 17, 2017 Impact investing is a central part of a worldwide movement toward investing according to values. At the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), we are often encouraged by the results of our Annual Impact Investor Survey findings, pleased to see indicators that the dynamic and evolving impact investing market will realize the potential we envisioned for it years ago.
The Philanthropy World Is Embracing Impact Investing
May 6, 2017 In 2015, the United Nations laid out its Sustainable Development Goals to track global progress against massive social and environmental challenges like extreme poverty, inequality, and climate change. But hitting those goals will take more than creative public and private partnerships: it will cost money.